'transaction_id': '<%= orderId %>'

What to expect next.

Placing an order with us is just the start of your better internet experience!
There are a few things we have to work through before we’re able to get you connected- here’s what you can expect next:

Schedule Your Install

Preparing Your Home

Fiber to Home Connection

Turning Up Your Fiber WiFi


Schedule Your Install

When we finish construction in your area, you will receive a link to our self-scheduler tool. You can then pick a date and time that is convenient to you. This will come via email and text!​


Preparing Your Home

Getting the fiber line to your home – we deliver fiber to your home either via an aerial drop or an underground drop.​

Underground Drops

Underground drops deliver fiber to the home by burying it in the ground. ​

Aerial Drops

Aerial drops deliver fiber to the home via overhead utility or telephone poles. Before putting fiber on any poles, we first obtain all necessary permits and pole attachment permissions. Once we have the okay, our crews will string cable from the pole to your home​

Utility Marking

If you notice paint or flags in your yard – don’t worry! This means a local utility marker has marked your underground utilities with water-based paint or flags to ensure we can safely place the fiber. ​


Fiber to Home Connection

To make the connection to your home, our Fiber Install experts come out and place the fiber in a protective conduit. We take the least evasive path, and work to ensure that we leave your property the way we found it. While this may be done on your installation date, we may do this earlier - if we do, we will be sure to notify you.​


Turning Up Your Fiber WiFi

Once your home is connected, we will install the Wi-Fi Router in a central location in your house, and then test the connection to ensure that you are getting the best speeds. We ensure your Wi-Fi devices are operating on your new Fiber network and answer any questions. Enjoy your fast, friendly fiber!​

Equipment Placement

Our installers will work with you to determine where to place the internet equipment inside your home.​

Ensuring Vero Quality

We’ll setup the provided router, verify your speeds, and return anything we may have moved back to where it belongs.​